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We are kind of obsessed with the intersection of real life and spirituality.
We also have a hypothesis: that no matter what we believe, we are all spiritual beings with embedded theologies. What is an embeded theology?
Embedded theology is the "thoughts and beliefs about God and meaning" that we picked up as a kid -- from our families of origin, or churches, synogogues or faith communities, or the broader cosmos of influences that might include TV, things we read, stuff we just picked up along the way.
Deliberative theology, on the understand, is that place we can arrive as thoughtful adults, as we unpack our embedded theologies and begin to look at the world with fresh eyes. Some might say that the move from embedded theology to deliberative theology is a move that starts with deconstruction, followed by reconstruction. Others might say that it is a journey that takes us from order, to disorder, to reordering of our beliefs and convictions. We think that growing beyond our embedded theologies requires changing the sheets.